
If your NFH has a drug problem then by default you have a drug problem, because drugs are going to distort the ability of the NFH to deal with reality and have the potential to make the NFHs behaviour very unpredictable and possibly dangerous depending on the particular variety/s of drug your NFH is using.

Rule number one here is ?happy/healthy people don't take drugs? so the NFH is self medicating for reasons that the NFH probably doesn't understand, the unloving relationship with its mother, the abusive father, some unfulfilled or thwarted ambition, any number of deep seated psychological reasons result in drug abuse and the bigger the underlying problem the more enthusiastic the consumption is likely to be.


If NFH is smoking Marijuana (pot, weed etc.) then his/her grasp on reality may be pretty distorted (depending on the level of consumption) but their level of aggression is going to be pretty low and your biggest problem will probably revolve around silliness and apathy, noisy music and a ?yeah yeah whatever ...? attitude. Pot smoking can range from heavy abuse to casual use and depending on where you NFH fits in on that scale will determine how much of a problem you have, the casual user is not going to be very noticeable but with heavy abuse the NFHs grasp of reality is going to be pretty low, their tendency to be unable to hold down a job will increase, they can be unmotivated and slow witted, they may be spontaneously active for a period then fade off into a lazy stoned daze. Overall your average heavy pot user poses little threat apart from a low risk of opportunistic petty theft. If NFH starts mixing their pot with alcohol and other drugs then the level of aggression increases and so does the problem.

Speed and Ice (methamphetamine)

This drug is becoming very common, one cause of that is the relative ease with which it is manufactured and the large amounts of money involved and another is that a shortage of supply of other drugs such as heroine causes users to move to what is available and amphetamines in various forms are very available./p>

Methamphetamine is one of the amphetamine group of drugs which are all manufactured from readily available chemicals. Methamphetamine is a stimulant drug. Variations in the methamphetamine structure produce other drugs and MDMA (methylene dioxy methamphetamine) or ecstasy is the best known example. Stimulants speed up the function of the brain and nervous system. Methamphetamine is available in three different forms commonly known as speed, base and ice.

Long term users of methamphetamine become dependant on the drug, one of the disturbing aspects of methamphetamine use is that the user can become violent for no reason and have apparently super strength, they become upset and depressed, they have periods of psychosis and they are also prone to frequent illness because their body cant resist disease. Inevitably the methamphetamine user will have work, relationship, money and housing problems.

Cocaine and Crack Cocaine

Cocaine is a drug made from the leaves of the coca plant. It is processed in different ways to make different types of cocaine. Crack Cocaine is cocaine that has been refined to a higher purity and is more addictive than cocaine. Cocaine is a stimulant drug, this means it speeds up the brain and nervous system.

Cocaine and crack cocaine are not as common in Australia as they are in the United States probably because of the cost but having said that the quantities of cocaine being seized are becoming increasingly large. If NFH has a cocaine habit they have a big problem, they can become aggressive, violent and argumentative, sooner or later they will have relationship problems, money problems and employment problems. After extended use their health will deteriorate. Addiction to this class of drug will drive the addict to do almost anything to get money to maintain their habit, theft and robbery go hand in hand with serious addiction.

Helpful Links

Federal Government

Drug and Alcohol Use

National Drugs Campaign

National Cannabis Prevention & Information Centre (NCPIC)

National Cannabis Information and Helpline
Ph: 1800 30 40 50
Confidential counselling, information and referral service for cannabis users, friends and family.


NSW Health - Drug and Alcohol Fact Sheets

Western Australia

The Drug and Alcohol Office is the W.A. government agency which works across the government and non-government sector to address drug and alcohol issues in the community. Publications and resources:

South Australia

Drug & Alcohol Services South Australia offers a range of prevention, treatment, information, education and community-based services for all South Australians.


The Tasmanian Alcohol and Drug Service offers a range of treatment, information, education and community-based supports for Tasmanians affected by alcohol and drug use.


Queensland Health's Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs website.

Australian Capital Territory

Australian Capital Territory Health Directorate - Alcohol and other drugs

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Department of Health - Alcohol & Other Drug Resources


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